
Hi, I’m Vardhan, also known as DitherWither online. This is going to be my personal blog.

I’m planning to post a bunch of stuff here, including my projects, linux, and general stuff. This site will eventually replace the current homepage that lives on https://www.vardhanpatil.com, once I manage to make the homepage here look good enough.

This blog is currently built using astro, and I started off with the official blog template. I plan to slowly develop my own styling and theme, and make this blog look more unique. Also, as a result, this site might be a bit barebones right now, and I will slowly fill it up with more interesting stuff.

One of the things I’m gonna try to do soon (stay tuned for that), is to make a barebones operating system, to learn how operating systems work at a much deeper level. While I’ve had abandoned and failed attempts at that, I’ve got reason to believe that it won’t be so this time It isn’t trying to be the next linux or anything, just something comparable to DOS.

Anyways, thanks for reading, and bye